Starting From The Begining !!

Created by mummy and daddy 9 years ago
Monday 17th February 2014 ; i recieved at first the most scariest but happiest news ever, me and jack were having a baby! there were mixed emotions but i was determined to be the best mum i could be to my beautiful baby! Daddy was with me every step of the way! Even though there was alot of obstacles that we had to over come, we did it and everyone is so proud of us! On mine and Daddy's 18th birthday, we had to go to the hospital because of complications everyone was so worried, we didn't know what to think, but i just kept telling myself and Daddy, our babies strong!! we found out i had a low lying placenta, but by the next scan she part our minds at rest, the placenta had moved on it's own. At 20 weeks, we was supposed to find out if it was a girl or boy?!! Mummy,Daddy&Nana sat there anticipating weather we would be shopping for blue or pink? but our little fidget just wouldn't keep still !! after 3 different appointments we finally found out that we was expecting a little princess!! Then again at 27 weeks we had a normal scan, the nurse said we had to go to the DAU,we was so confused we didn't know what was going on, so many doctors so many different people? We was told that the placenta was calcified and our little princess would have to be monitored closely her blood suppuly could of dropped at any time and i had to keep an eye on her movements, i was frightened that i wouldn't be able to feel her kick as much, but my little fidget was dancing around and kicking day and night! we sat there facinated by the kicks and shapes she was making! I spent alot of time in hospital, i was the most active mother in the wards! always going for walks, off to get my mcdonals cravings! bouncing on the ball trying to jump Ruby out! 10 days in hospital.. then i was home for a weekend! my holiday had to be cancelled but i was comforted by the thought of Ruby coming to! 7 days later i was admitted to hospital again for an induction, yay it was finally happening! but after 24 hours still no baby! but then finally on the Wednesday night the Doctors decided to give me 6 hour tablet Baby Ruby was going to be here soon! i spent the whole of Wedensday night in labour! BACK LABOUR! it was like a chain saw cutting down my back! by 11pm i asked for the epidrual, they told me 'dont worry love after this you won't feel a thing' LOL they lied! the needle hit my bone! i felt everything!!!!! 'press the button'!! ... i was pushing the button so hard it was going to break!! but the gas and air was good! we was all on some, Daddy was laughing away getting me threw the pain! we had a few ups and downs during labour with Nana and the rest and the nurses! time went on. 9:54 am my beautiful baby girl was born! weighing 3lbs 14oz she brought tears,smiles and love and laughter! she was so tiny and delicte she had to spend 12 whole days in SBCU in hospital, all the nurses fell in love with my beautiful girl, the only girl in ICU. Ruby made her first little friend Luigi who was in the incubator next to Ruby! they both gave me so many beautiful smiles! 13 beautiful days at home with my babygirl, so many smiles, tears, dirty nappies, sicky babygrows! i loved them all! i am so lucky to have such a beautiful angel looking over me, you brought me so many beautiful memories! the day you was born was the day i met the love of my life, you will always be in my heart and i know so many more hearts you will be forever loved in! i hope you rest in the most perfect peace my little angel princess! love you loads Mummy and Daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
